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Image by Jon Tyson


The Connected TV advertising industry is riddled with confusion. On top of that, what we do at Origin is unique and for this reason it's vital we address not just what we do to improve the impact and recall of advertising on Connected TV, but some of the fundamentals about our industry as well.

What is the correct way to define OTT?

  • Streaming content (e.g. movies and shows) that is delivered through the internet instead of a traditional cable or satellite service.

  • Screens: Mobile | Tablet | Desktop | Laptop | Connected TV

What is the correct way to define CTV?

  • Any television that has an internet connection or is connected to the internet via a device (e.g. Roku), gaming console (e.g. PS4) or set top box.

  • Screens: Television

What's the difference between OTT and CTV?

The screen. Anything that is streamed through the TV, regardless of the device being used (the TV itself or an internet connected stick/console) is Connected TV. 

CTV is OTT, but OTT is not CTV. If Connected TV wasn’t such a unique and powerful place for advertisers to invest their money, then breaking out CTV and OTT might not be necessary. But it is. CTV is simply a subset of OTT and must be treated that way.

You can read our blog on the topic here.

Why does Origin only focus on CTV?

There are numerous benefits to focusing our native advertising solutions on CTV and they go beyond the fact that it is a 100% viewable environment with >99% completion rates.

Read our short blog post on the benefits of Connected TV over other screens in the OTT ecosystem here.

About CTV ads

  • What makes CTV advertising different from other forms of advertising?

    • The main differentiators are that CTV ads are large, non-skippable and non-clickable.​

  • Do CTV ads work like traditional TV ads?

    • Insofar as they run on the same physical device (a television), yes. But that is where the similarity ends.​

  • What is the meaning of 'CTV ads'?

    • Connected TV ads.​

  • What is the turnaround time for creating a CTV ad?

    • This can vary immensely. While some creative agencies may require 6-9 months to produce a regular CTV ad, the Origin Ad Studio operates on a typical turnaround time of 21 days.​

  • How long should a CTV ad run?

    • If you only have one ad creative, then you want to be very careful how long you run it for and how frequently.​

What is Native CTV?

  • Native CTV is defined as the strategic use of branded or unbranded short form (typically 15 second) native content on Connected TV (CTV) in a way that follows the natural and organic flow of the streaming environment in which it is being viewed. Learn more here.

About Native CTV Advertising

  • What are the benefits of Native CTV Advertising?

    • More attention to your ad, higher engagement, better results and a more provable ROI.

  • Is Native CTV Advertising expensive?

    • Native CTV Advertising can be more expensive that regular CTV advertising, but the benefits you get far outweigh the slight increase in rate that you pay.​

  • How effective is Native CTV Advertising?

  • Are there any drawbacks to Native CTV Advertising?

    • No.​

  • Are there any steps I should take to prepare for a Native CTV Advertising campaign?

    • No special steps, no tech integration, simply select your preferred Native CTV advertising solution from our Instant and Custom offerings - and away you go.​

Native Advertising

  • What should I know about Native Advertising?

    • With over 60% of marketing budgets being allocated to some form of Native Advertising, the most important thing you need to know is that Native Advertising is highly effective. ​

  • Is there any risk with Native Advertising?

    • Provided you know what you are doing and understand which success metrics you should be tracking that are unique to native advertising, then your risk is no different to any other form of advertising.​

  • How long has Origin worked in Native Advertising?

    • Origin has been in the native advertising space since the company was founded in 2019.​

  • What industries are best suited to Native Advertising?

    • Native advertising is a great format for any advertising vertical. Some industries which have a particular reason to invest in native advertising include pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies.​

  • How soon can I expect results from Native Advertising?

    • As far as native advertising on Connected TV goes, you can expect to start seeing results within a week or two.​

What is the definition of Native when it comes to CTV?

As the architects of Native Advertising on Connected TV (Native CTV) it's our job to make sure it is clearly defined, and that its definition is true to the fundamental premise and purpose of Native Advertising. Read the full definition here.  

About the different Native CTV Ad formats

  • What should I know about Native CTV ad formats?

    • Some Native CTV ad formats will require you to buy longer ad spots.​

  • How long has Origin worked with Native CTV ad formats?

    • As the original architects of Native CTV advertising, we have worked with them since their inception in 2019.​

  • How do I select the right Native CTV ad format for my needs?

    • Different Native CTV ad formats serve different purposes. If you are unsure which is right for you, simply contact one of our Native CTV sales specialists and they will walk you through each solution and help you find what's right for you.​

  • What screens support Native CTV advertising formats?

    • Origin's zero code Native CTV ad formats can run on all television screens.​

  • Should I select my Native CTV ad solution before contacting Origin?

    • If you already know what you need, then by all means. But from our experience, it sometimes takes a little guidance to know exactly what's right for your needs on the day. ​

What is the purpose of Origin's Native CTV ad formats?

The benefits of serving ads within a Native CTV setting are numerous. Some of the primary benefits are:

  • Bringing the viewer's attention back to the TV.

  • Immerse them mentally and emotionally in a specific topic.

  • Prime the viewer for the ad they're about to watch.

To understand more about how Origin's Native CTV solutions can work for you, click here.

Connected TV Ad Formats

  • How should I select a Connected TV ad format?

    • You can either choose the right ad format yourself or one of our Native CTV specialists can help.​

  • Is a Connected TV Ad format different from traditional TV ads?

    • While Connected TV ad formats might look the same as a traditional TV ad format, everything below the surface is different.​

  • What should I avoid when looking at Connected TV Ad formats?

    • Our advice would be to avoid looking at solutions which resemble the ads you saw on TV when you were a kid.​

  • Does Origin help me select the proper Connected TV Ad format?

    • Absolutely. We love talking about progressive solutions for CTV advertisers and are always happy to help - even if it means we recommend a solution/format which isn't ours.​

Where do Origin's Native CTV ad formats run?

Inside the ad breaks of movies and TV shows that people stream on Connected TV.

How do viewers engage with Origin's native content on TV?

At Origin, we believe that successful ‘interaction’ with a viewer is about more than forcing a physical response through a remote control. It's about forging an emotional connection with the viewer and leveraging the fact that over 90% of viewers have a mobile device in their hand.
Our Native CTV solutions capture imagination, spark conversation and inspire consumers to use their phone to engage with the brand.
For us it’s about forging a genuine bond that inspires them to act.

Can i target a specific audience when I use Origin's solutions?

Yes. We work with our brands to use both their first party and third party data to make sure their ads are delivered where they are needed - and when.

How do I measure CTV, or know if my campaign has been a success?

Measurement in Connected TV is about significantly more than viewability and completion rates.
Because of this, Origin works with trusted third parties such as LoopMe, Lucid, TVision Insights, Mint Measure and Foursquare to track conversions and behavioral lift from consumers we target.
We also work closely with brand study solutions such as LoopMe to conduct comprehensive surveys.

In addition to this, the rise of QR Codes in CTV advertising opens the door for brands to benefit from getting direct, tangible data that proves engagement and validates the investment they are making in their Native CTV campaigns.

Where do my ads run when I use Origin's full service solution?

This is a very important question.

Origin has direct partnerships with a handpicked portfolio of premium CTV publishers, all of whom we work with on an exclusively 1:1 basis. Click here to see who we work with.

How many custom-made 'assets' do I get for my CTV campaign?

The beautiful thing about Origin is you always get more than one Native CTV asset, meaning you can effectively append as many messages as you want to the same ad.
The exact number of Native CTV assets you get is determined by campaign budget and the objectives you want your Origin campaign to accomplish.

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